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Work packages

WP.1 Project coordination and quality control

WP1 is aimed at creating the managing structure of the project – steering committee, quality committee and WP leaders – which represent a strategic framework to ensure vision, mission, responsibility and strategic direction and a mechanism to adopt strategic decisions on a consensual basis, having the partnership agreement as main reference point for mutual rights and obligations.
Moreover, WP1 is intended as a continuous activity for monitoring and reporting the state of the project implementation and eventually putting in force correcting measures.

WP.2 Overview on Erasmus+ programme in higher education sector

WP2 activities are aimed at provide an outline of the Erasmus+ programme in Higher Education opportunities, reflecting the project methodology to start from the general framework to be detailed in specific themes and outputs. In particular the two seminars foreseen under WP2 will allow the attendees to be acquainted with Erasmus+ opportunities, notably as regards KA1 mobilities and KA2 CBHE projects, eligibility criteria, funding rules and awards criteria, as well as with the tools made available by the European Commission for partnership building, search of funding opportunities, Grant management and reporting (FTOP).

WP.3 Capacity building on project design and management

WP3 explores more in details the general framework illustrated under WP2, continuing the capacity-building addressed to the targeted universities, by training them on CBHE project design, management, budget preparation and accountability measures, leading to an increased ownership of the initiative through the preparation by the targeted universities of a new CBHE project proposal.

WP4 Capacity building capitalizing on staff and students experiences in mobility

WP4 will exploit the experience of EU partners and Hanoi University in the preparation and implementation of KA1 mobility projects in favour of students and staff leading to the draft of guidelines for fostering EU-Vietnam mobility at emerging universities’ level. Moreover, in order to get the emerging universities acquainted with the concrete experiences lived, the challenges faced and the advantages obtained by students and staff benefiting from Erasmus+ mobility projects, a storytelling seminar is foreseen.

WP5 Dissemination

WP5 foresees the draft of a dissemination plan aimed at enhancing project’s dissemination at local, national and international level, at spurring the involvement of project’s stakeholders and beneficiaries, at planning the achievement of dissemination outputs, showing to the less experienced beneficiary universities how important is the dissemination of project results in the framework of an Erasmus+ capacity-building project and paving the way for its proper drafting in the framework of the new CBHE project proposal preparation under WP3.
Moreover, an awareness-raising seminar at each Vietnamese university has been foreseen so to maximize the impact at local level of the workshops delivered under WP2 on Erasmus+ opportunities and  available tools, aiming at addressed to students and academic staff and aimed at reaching the widest number of students and academic staff.

WP6 Sustainability

WP6 aims at enhance the visibility of the internationalization strategy of Vietnamese universities, providing tools for the continuous involvement of the widest number of students and academic staff in capacity-building and mobility projects beyond project lifecycle: practical info sheet for students and staff outbound mobility, students and staff inbound mobility, info sheet on Erasmus+ opportunities; a tool for continuously monitor the achievements in terms of internationalization on the basis of key progress and quality indicators; the internationalization virtual centre as a strategic network for a more effective information flow on internationalization.