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Target groups and expected impacts

Target GroupsImpact
UNIVERSITY STUDENTSEnhanced participation to EU initiatives and contribution to the provision of information on mobility experience Increased mobility potential Increased awareness on Erasmus+ opportunities
UNIVERSITY STAFFAcquisition of new competences on Erasmus+ project preparation and implementation Increased ownership of Erasmus+ projects Increased mobility potential Increased awareness on Erasmus+ programme opportunities in higher education
UNIVERSITIESEnhanced  visibility of their international cooperation activities Modernization of  the tools for monitoring and evaluating the university internationalization process Foster internationalization initiatives Improve the governance of the university in the international field
HE INSTITUTIONS AND STAKEHOLDERS IN INTERNATIONALIZATION (EC, EU HEIs, agencies)Promote networking for cooperation between Vietnam and EU HEIs Encourage new opportunities of internationalization in HE Enhance the participation and the inclusion of emerging Vietnamese HEIs and stakeholders in Vietnam in the internationalization of the higher education sector